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Safe work Culture (Health & Safety)

We follow the Construction safety guideline religiously

  • All our workers & project managers are trained and use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) & follow Safety Procedures
  • Standard Safety Guideline, Like- Permit to work system, hot work, Work at height, Electrical Isolation etc are rigorously maintained
  • On-site daily safety meeting are conducted every morning before starting the work in presence of our HES coordinator and a safety track record is kept all through the projects
  • Simultaneous operations, Lifting & rigging, HOT works, excavation and other critical operations are per formed with standard procedures..
  • For Electrical works job specific written instructions are provided and LOTO is maintained as per requirement.
  • Workers are provided medical support for any medical issues immediately and the records are kept in a system.
  • Job specific risk assessment are performed along with other stakeholders as per requirement.